

了解礦石破碎制砂設備、砂石生產線配置方案電話咨詢: 18221397919 (微信同號)

除此之外,雙方沒有主題事項達成任何其他口頭或者書面的協議。C-E灰渣破碎機與本備忘錄相關的任何爭議應交由中國國際經濟貿易仲裁委員會依照其現行有效仲裁解決,仲裁結果是終的,對雙方均有約束力,仲裁應在北京以中文進行。 Any information disclosed by a party to the other as confidential information shall not be used for any other purposed that the performance of this MOU without previous written consent of the disclosing Party. 2.4 雙方同意,除保密條款與轉讓條款之外,本備忘錄的其它條款并未在雙方之間創設任何法律義務。 聯合置地房地產開發有限公司 合作備忘錄/MOU 第 3 頁 共 3 頁 This MOU shall remain in effect from for year from . 2.8 本備忘錄適用中華人民共和國法律,并按中國的法律進行解釋。 The Parties agree that all provisions contained herein do not create any legal obligations between the Parties, save for the confidentiality and transfer provisions herein. 2.5 雙方均為獨立締約方,本備忘錄并未在雙方之間創設任何代理、合伙、合資或其它類似法律關系。 The Parties work as independent contractors. This MOU does not create any agency, partnership; join venture or any other business relationship between the Parties. 2.6 雙方應該各自承擔用于與本備忘錄相關的支出及花費。

 This MOU shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of P.R. China. Any disputes relating to this MOU shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission and the rules of the said Commission are to be followed in the arbitration. The award shall be final and binding on the parties. And the arbitration shall be held in Beijing in Chinese language. 2.9 本備忘錄以中英文書,中英文版本如有不一致之處,以中文版本效力優先。 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this MOU on the day and year first above written. 甲方:聯合置地房地產開發有限公司 Party A: 6, Beiheyan., Chaowai District, Beijing, China 簽字:________________________ By: __________________________ 授權代表:_____________________ Authorized Representative: _______。C-E灰渣破碎機對本備忘錄任何條款的修改或者放棄,只有形成書面文件且由相對的一方簽署后方可生效。 Each party shall bear all the generated costs and expenses related to this MOU. 2.7 本備忘錄自 生效,有效期 年。 This MOU shall be written in Chinese and English, in case of any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail. 有鑒于此,各方由其各自合法授權的代表于本備忘錄文首提到的日期簽署本備忘錄。項目合作備忘錄(C-E) - 豆丁網#2.1 本備忘錄記載了雙方本備忘錄主題事項的全部協議。

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